Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pessimist vs. Optimist

It's nice to now have a place to put down in writing some of the things I come across that I like. Here is a quote from Winston Churchill:

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."


Melissa Dillon said...

Oooo, I like that one. I'll have to print it out and hang it where I can see it often.

Anonymous said...

Well, where does being a "realist" or "romanticist" fall into this?

Anyway, I actually believe its possible to be an optismistic pessimist? I can point out the flaws in everything--yet see the beauty in it. For example, rustic abandon bridges and buildings are awesome! Especially if shot in black and white.

What if life is naturally half empty? Really...because of Sin? That still doesnt mean we can't fill up the glass, again?

Okay, I'm rambling...

Anonymous said...

interesting. just yesterday i read something re: his optimism. something that comes to mind that encourages me to think more positively is: don't tell God how big your mountains are; rather tell your mountains how big your God is. it takes renewing our minds with the Word, doesn't it?