Thursday, March 12, 2009

Watch This Video...

I think everyone should watch the following video, especially if you think that the ginormous spending bill that was just passed and signed by the President is a good thing. Not only is it not a good thing. It is immoral. Check it out.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good stuff. I should tell Mark to put this on his blog. Scary...

Anonymous said...

aren't we all wondering what on earth! good stuff, mel thanks.

Anonymous said...

Today, Glen Beck talked about the coming of a Global Bank for the first time, I'm aware of. Wow...biblical prophecy is beginning to become current event!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Mel! That's a great find! I REALLY enjoy Glenn Beck. I used to listen to his radio program before he became a big TV star. He's another one that falls under the category of “telling it like it is”. I absolutely love him because he's all about common sense - which, unfortunately should probably more accurately be called uncommon sense at this point. Thanks for sharing!

PS - I also love the background you found! It's very fun and springy. : )