Saturday, November 2, 2013

Skittles Party

We had a "Skittles Party" at my church last night for the teen girls.  It was part of a six week series that I am teaching on purity.  They were asked to come dressed in as many colors as they could.  I won't be posting pictures of them since I don't have their parents' permission, but thought I'd post a few pics of my colorful outfit.  Check out my colorful hair scrunchies.  In my opinion, I should have won the prize that we awarded for the most colorful outfit.  But I had to be mature and let one of the younger girls win it. :-)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

What a cute idea! I've never heard of a Skittles Party before, but I think I need to have one. :) I think you should have won, as well. You look so cute!!